Panel 77 and Panel 57. Video Commentaries

Panel 77 and Panel 57. Video Commentaries

(Panel 77) “Delacroix Medea and infanticide. Postage stamp: Barbados – ‘Quos ego?’, France – the Sower, Arethusa. Nike und Tobias in advertising. Hindenburg Monument as reverse apotheosis. Goethe ‘24 legs.’” (Panel 57) “Pathos formulae in Dürer. Mantegna. Copies. Orpheus. Hercules. Abduction of women. Trampling in the Apocalypse. Triumph.” Translated from: Aby M. Warburg, Der Bilderatlas: Mnemosyne. Gesammelte Schriften II.1. Ed. Martin Warnke and Claudia Brink. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2008. Pp. 128 and 104.

Zu Bild 2 B auf Tafel 77; Zu Bild 11 auf Tafel 57