Panel 47. Video Commentaries

Panel 47. Video Commentaries

“Nymph as guardian angel and as headhunter. Fetching of the head. ‘Homecoming from the temple’ as protecting the child in foreign places (Tobias images as votive images).” Translated from: Aby M. Warburg, Der Bilderatlas: Mnemosyne. Gesammelte Schriften II.1. Ed. Martin Warnke and Claudia Brink. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2008. P. 86.

See Panel 47 of Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas

“Before his death, Tobias witnesses with satisfaction the fall of Nineveh, the City of Rages”
An enigmatic fish full of aggression and healing power …(“Heilkraft”)
Bild 13. Tobias und der Engel
Bild 23. Die Rückkehr Judiths nach Bethulia / Sandro Botticelli (1472) "Ihre Dienerin trägt den Kopf von Holofernes"
Tobias und der Fisch / Tobias 6, Vers 3